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Archive for September, 2014

The loudest noise ever recorded

Wednesday, September 24th, 2014

We’re all interested in record breakers. They’re one offs, cemented in history forever. So here at London Sound Proofing, we were wondering – what was the loudest sound ever recorded, and what made it?


The invisible threat of noise pollution

Monday, September 22nd, 2014

Noise pollution is not just unpleasant; it can actually cause very serious health issues and prevent you from carrying on with your normal routine. If you’re putting up with noise read on to see why should act now to put a stop to it. (more…)

Five reasons to sound proof your home office

Thursday, September 18th, 2014

Anyone who works from home knows that there are a lot of potential distractions. And the biggest of those distractions is noise; the kids playing in the room next door, the teenager next door learning the drums, the TV upstairs – how are you ever going to get anything done with all that noise?


Simple tips to deaden sound in your home

Friday, September 12th, 2014

Whether you’re in an apartment or a house, renting or owning, there are simple ways to deaden sound that will block noise from neighbours, block noise from your apartment travelling to surrounding apartments or block noise from different areas of your home.


Facts About Soundproofing [Infographic]

Tuesday, September 9th, 2014

Did you know that it is possible to soundproof a room so that those inside can only hear 30db of noise – even when a helicopter is hovering 50 feet above the space? That is a good amount of soundproofing! Soundproofing can be useful in homes for all sorts of reasons – from bulking up your walls to creating a recording studio – we take a look at some great facts surrounding sound proofing.


5 steps for dealing with noisy neighbours

Thursday, September 4th, 2014

We talk to clients all the time who have fallen out with their neighbours over noise complaints. Noisy neighbours can be a nightmare but you can avoid creating a tense situation by dealing with the situation properly. Sometimes it’s impossible to get along but in many instances your neighbours may be totally unaware that they’re causing a nuisance.
