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5 steps for dealing with noisy neighbours

We talk to clients all the time who have fallen out with their neighbours over noise complaints. Noisy neighbours can be a nightmare but you can avoid creating a tense situation by dealing with the situation properly. Sometimes it’s impossible to get along but in many instances your neighbours may be totally unaware that they’re causing a nuisance.

What’s more if you stay on friendly terms with your neighbour and soundproofing is still required then you may be able to split the cost.

1.       Talk to your neighbour

The worst thing you can do when dealing with noise is to act aggressively. We always advise clients to remain calm rather than banging on their neighbours door and beginning the dialogue in an angry manner.

If you can wait until a calmer time when the noise is not occurring you’re more likely to be able to chat casually about it. Be friendly, comment on the level of noise, if there have been several occasions this makes your case stronger, and ask for some consideration. If your neighbour is receptive then set some rules e.g. no loud music after 10pm, no loud building work before 8am etc.

2.       Engaging a mediator

If you feel you cannot talk to your neighbour directly or they continue to make noise then the next step is ask your council for help. This doesn’t mean making a complaint. Before making a complaint we recommend using a free mediation service.

This will show your neighbour that you’re serious but still willing to talk before making a formal complaint. Professional mediation ensures both parties feel listened to and greatly helps to meet a peaceful resolution.

3.       If the noise continues

If the noise continues then speak to your neighbour again and tell them you intend to involve the council if they create excessive noise again.

It is within your right to call the police to make a noise complaint but this is sure to drive up tensions. By first approaching the council you will be approaching the most appropriate body and will avoid making it a criminal matter.

4.       How to present the complaint to the council

Assuming that you are forced to take the matter further then you should contact your local council. Noise from your neighbours can generally be classed as ‘statutory nuisance’. explains nuisance noise as things like “loud music and barking dogs.”

Once you submit a complaint it will be recorded by the council. You should be aware that this information will be on public record meaning that future buyers or tenants will be able to see that a noise complaint was raised against your neighbours.

If the council agree that the noise is a nuisance they’ll issue a noise abatement order to your neighbour. After this your neighbour will be fined for causing nuisance noise.

5.       Legal intervention

Calling the police should be reserved for instances of threatening behaviour, a dangerous situation or if you believe your neighbour is breaking the law. The complaint will be dealt with accordingly.

You can also take your complaint to the Magistrate’s Court. You must be able to show you’ve tried to address the noise out court. Going to court will require you to compile evidence against your neighbour.

Many apartment blocks lack adequate insulation to stop noise travelling from nearby neighbours. Ceiling or floor soundproofing could be the solution to happy urban living.

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