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Why a peaceful night’s sleep is important

Do you find noisy neighbours a nuisance when you’re trying to get to sleep at night? Well, they might be doing more harm than you think…

Everyone loves sleep – getting our recommended eight hours in a night can be considered quite the luxury. However, it’s not just a luxury; sleep is also very important to your health. It’s a vital part of a healthy lifestyle, along with nutrition and exercise.

So, why exactly is getting a proper night of sleep so important to us?

Boosts your mood

There’s no denying that refreshing feeling we all have when we’ve had a good night’s sleep. After a long and uninterrupted sleep, we feel better – and when we feel better, our mood will show it. Around 8 hours of sleep a night is also known to ease depression. Lack of sleep and insomnia are known to contributors of the illness, which just show how much sleep can affect our moods and well-being.

Enhances your attention

A good sleep will better your concentration and your productivity – whether at work, at school, or on the road. This is why you’ll see signs on long journeys warning people against being tired when driving; lack of sleep is a common cause of road accidents. A decent amount of sleep will enhance your attention, making you far more alert to things that you see and hear.

Gets you better grades

Particularly relevant to children and teenagers aged between 10 and 18 years old, sleep really does benefit your education. Those that didn’t suffer from disturbed sleeping or issues with sleeping saw better grades. So, pulling an all-nighter to meet that deadline doesn’t seem like such a good idea now, does it?

Lowers stress levels

Sleep and stress are very much linked; lack of sleep can result in an increase of stress, and stress can result in a lack of sleep. It can be a vicious cycle that can affect your cardiovascular health and your blood pressure, but if you do what you can to promote a better sleep, you can escape it.

Lowers risk of heart problems

It has been proven that sleeping less than 7 to 8 hours a night links to an increased risk of heart disease and stroke, among other chronic diseases. By getting in a good amount of sleep per night, you are more likely to have a healthy heart.

Lengthens your lifespan

Linking to our point of keeping a healthy heart, a regular sleeping pattern can also contribute to your lifespan as it is one of the main factors of a healthy lifestyle. Sleep aids quality of life, promoting a more active and happy day-to-day life.

Maintains a healthy weight

If you’re looking to lose or maintain a healthy weight, it’s been proven that sleeping more aids weight loss. Why? Because sleep and metabolism are controlled by the same sectors of the brain. A bad night’s sleep can lead to you feeling hungrier, which is why it can often be linked to weight gain.

Improves memory

Getting around 8 hours of sleep a night can also significantly improve your memory. A good amount of rest will heighten your brain productivity, revisiting memories from days before and strengthening them in your mind. Another reason why sleep is so important for children at school and college!

But what can you do to get yourself a better night’s sleep? Here are just a few top tips to promote a peaceful snooze…

  • Reduce caffeine intake, particularly after 6pm
  • Avoid alcohol or heavy meals before bed
  • Exercise regularly
  • Create a regular schedule – go to bed at the same time every night
  • Minimise light and noise

Sleep deprivation isn’t good for you, so you should do all you can to allow yourself the sleep you need! If noisy neighbours or noisy housemates are a problem for you, soundproofing could be just what you need. Find out more right here!

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